Crystals and What They are About.

Each piece of Jewelry from The Crystal Bee shop is hand crafted one of a kind pieces. Unique in their own way, every piece has an intention and vibration that come together to help elevate your vibration helping you manifest the life of your dreams.

Everything in this world resonates in a vibration including you and me. So crystals are no different than us. When we want to manifest something in our life we must vibrate in that frequency so that it is attracted to us. Crystals help amplify those vibes. Just like any tool we use in our life, crystals are a great tool to draw positive vibrations towards us so that we may life a more harmonious life. Whether you are looking for luck, protection, clarity, money, or more, each crystal helps put you in line with what you need so you can draw it closer to reality.

Just like tuning a radio, we must tune ourselves to the right station in order for us to receive higher guidance from our spirit selves. Each piece of crystal works like an antenna letting you reach into the universe bringing you closer and closer to your true selves.

We at The Crystal Bee support all beliefs and communities with love and freedom. Our goal is to help everyone be their best version of themselves. Reminding you that you are loved and care for. Come support our mission in bringing more LOVE and LIGHT in this world. 🐝