Gemstones and What They Do

These gemstones offer a wide range of energetic qualities that can support healing, meditation, and spiritual growth. Remember to choose the ones that resonate with you the most and align with your intentions and needs.


Agnitite is believed to enhance one's personal power and boost motivation. It may stimulate the Solar Plexus chakra and support self-confidence and willpower.


Alexandrite is considered a stone of balance and transformation. It's believed to encourage self-discovery, boost self-esteem, and promote creativity.


Amber is known for its grounding and protective qualities. It's believed to cleanse the aura, alleviate stress, and promote overall well-being.


Amethyst is a powerful stone for spiritual protection and purification. It's known to enhance intuition, calm the mind, and promote emotional balance.


Ametrine combines the energies of amethyst and citrine. It's believed to aid in finding balance, stimulating creativity, and enhancing spiritual clarity.

Angel Phantom Quartz

Also known as Amphibole Quartz, it's associated with angelic realms. It's believed to enhance communication with spiritual guides and support inner healing.


Angelite is said to promote communication with higher realms and enhance psychic abilities. It's believed to bring a sense of calm and tranquility.

Apache Tears

Apache Tears are a form of obsidian and are known for emotional healing. They're believed to provide comfort during times of grief and help release negative emotions.


Apophyllite is considered a stone of light and healing. It's believed to aid in connecting with higher dimensions, enhancing intuition, and promoting spiritual growth.


Aragonite is known for its grounding and stabilizing properties. It's believed to promote patience, boost self-confidence, and provide strength during challenges.


Azurite is associated with inner wisdom and insight. It's believed to enhance psychic abilities, stimulate the Third Eye chakra, and promote spiritual growth.

Black Tourmaline

Black Tourmaline is a protective stone that's believed to repel negative energy and enhance grounding. It's often used for energy purification.


Bloodstone is known for its detoxifying properties. It's believed to enhance physical vitality, promote courage, and stimulate the Root chakra.

Blue Apatite

Blue Apatite is associated with mental clarity and communication. It's believed to enhance insight, creativity, and self-expression.

Blue Chalcedony

Blue Chalcedony is a calming stone that's believed to promote emotional balance, enhance communication, and encourage feelings of peace.

Blue Kyanite

Blue Kyanite is known for its high vibration and alignment properties. It's believed to enhance intuition, promote lucid dreaming, and align the chakras.

Blue Lace Agate

Blue Lace Agate is associated with soothing and calming energies. It's believed to promote inner peace, enhance communication, and reduce stress.

Blue Quartz

Blue Quartz is believed to enhance communication and self-expression. It's associated with clarity of thought, emotional balance, and psychic abilities.

Botswana Agate

Botswana Agate is known for its nurturing and supportive qualities. It's believed to promote emotional healing, enhance self-confidence, and provide comfort.


Carnelian is a stone of vitality and motivation. It's believed to boost energy levels, promote courage, and enhance creativity.


Celestite is associated with divine communication and spiritual connection. It's believed to enhance intuition, promote peaceful sleep, and support angelic communication.


Charoite is known for its transformational properties. It's believed to assist in overcoming challenges, promote spiritual growth, and enhance intuition.


Chiastolite is often called the "Cross Stone." It's believed to enhance protection, aid in transition, and provide a sense of balance during change.


Chrysocolla is associated with soothing and calming energies. It's believed to promote emotional healing, enhance communication, and encourage feelings of peace.


Chrysoprase is known for its heart-opening properties. It's believed to promote compassion, enhance self-love, and attract abundance.


Citrine is a stone of abundance and manifestation. It's believed to enhance creativity, boost self-confidence, and attract success and prosperity.

Dalmatian Jasper

Dalmatian Jasper is known for its playful energy. It's believed to promote joy, enhance childlike wonder, and encourage positive relationships.


Danburite is associated with spiritual enlightenment and higher consciousness. It's believed to enhance connection with angelic realms and promote healing.


Dioptase is known as a stone of compassion and emotional healing. It's believed to promote forgiveness, enhance self-love, and aid in releasing past pain.


Dravite, or Brown Tourmaline, is associated with grounding and protection. It's believed to promote emotional stability, enhance self-acceptance, and alleviate stress.


Emerald is known as a stone of love and compassion. It's believed to enhance heart-centered qualities, promote loyalty, and attract abundance.

Fire Agate

Fire Agate is associated with fiery and passionate energies. It's believed to enhance courage, boost creativity, and provide grounding and protection.


Fluorite is known for its mental clarity and focus properties. It's believed to enhance concentration, promote spiritual growth, and protect against negative energies.


Garnet is a stone of passion and energy. It's believed to enhance vitality, promote self-confidence, and stimulate the Root chakra.


Goldstone is associated with abundance and vitality. It's believed to enhance creativity, boost self-esteem, and promote a positive attitude.

Green Aventurine

Green Aventurine is known as the "Stone of Opportunity." It's believed to enhance luck, promote prosperity, and attract success.

Green Calcite

Green Calcite is a healing stone associated with growth and renewal. It's believed to enhance the Heart chakra, promote emotional balance, and attract abundance.

Green Fluorite

Green Fluorite is known for its healing and cleansing properties. It's believed to enhance intuition, promote emotional healing, and bring clarity.

Green Jasper

Green Jasper is associated with grounding and protection. It's believed to enhance stability, promote harmony, and encourage connection with nature.

Green Onyx

Green Onyx is believed to enhance inner strength and self-discipline. It's associated with growth, transformation, and promoting positive change.

Green Tourmaline

Green Tourmaline is known for its nurturing and healing energies. It's believed to promote self-confidence, attract abundance, and support emotional healing.

Hawk's Eye

Hawk's Eye, also known as Blue Tiger's Eye, is associated with insight and perspective. It's believed to enhance awareness, promote clarity, and stimulate intuition.

Heliotrope (Bloodstone)

Heliotrope, or Bloodstone, is known for its detoxifying properties. It's believed to enhance physical vitality, promote courage, and stimulate the Root chakra.


Hematite is a grounding and protective stone. It's believed to absorb negative energies, promote stability, and enhance focus and concentration.


Hiddenite is associated with growth and healing. It's believed to promote compassion, enhance emotional healing, and support heart-centered energies.


Howlite is known for its calming and soothing properties. It's believed to promote relaxation, aid in stress relief, and enhance emotional balance.


Hypersthene is associated with grounding and protection. It's believed to enhance psychic abilities, promote inner peace, and support spiritual growth.


Iolite is known for its intuitive and spiritual properties. It's believed to enhance inner vision, promote self-discovery, and stimulate the Third Eye chakra.


Jade is a stone of harmony and prosperity. It's believed to enhance luck, promote emotional healing, and attract abundance and success.

Kambaba Jasper

Kambaba Jasper is associated with tranquility and inner peace. It's believed to enhance relaxation, promote emotional healing, and connect with nature.


Kunzite is known for its gentle and loving energies. It's believed to enhance emotional healing, promote self-love, and attract positive relationships.


Labradorite is associated with transformation and protection. It's believed to enhance intuition, promote spiritual growth, and protect the aura.

Lapis Lazuli

Lapis Lazuli is a stone of wisdom and truth. It's believed to enhance intuition, promote self-awareness, and stimulate the Third Eye chakra.


Larimar is associated with calming and soothing energies. It's believed to enhance communication, promote emotional healing, and connect with the divine feminine.


Lepidolite is known for its calming and balancing properties. It's believed to enhance relaxation, promote emotional healing, and alleviate stress and anxiety.

Lemurian Quartz

Lemurian Quartz is associated with ancient wisdom and spiritual growth. It's believed to enhance connection with higher realms, promote healing, and stimulate the Third Eye chakra.

Mahogany Obsidian

Mahogany Obsidian is known for its grounding and protective qualities. It's believed to promote inner strength, enhance emotional healing, and provide comfort.


Malachite is a stone of transformation and healing. It's believed to promote emotional healing, enhance self-expression, and protect against negative energies.


Moldavite is associated with rapid transformation and spiritual evolution. It's believed to enhance intuition, promote healing, and connect with higher dimensions.

Mookaite Jasper

Mookaite Jasper is known for its vibrant and earthy energies. It's believed to enhance decision-making, promote emotional healing, and connect with nature.


Moonstone is a stone of intuition and feminine energy. It's believed to enhance intuition, promote emotional healing, and connect with the cycles of the moon.


Morganite is associated with love and compassion. It's believed to enhance heart-centered qualities, promote self-love, and attract positive relationships.

Moss Agate

Moss Agate is known for its connection with nature and grounding energies. It's believed to enhance emotional balance, promote abundance, and connect with the Earth's energy.


Nuumite is associated with protection and transformation. It's believed to enhance psychic abilities, promote emotional healing, and support spiritual growth.

Ocean Jasper

Ocean Jasper is known for its soothing and nurturing energies. It's believed to promote emotional healing, enhance joy, and connect with the ocean's energy.


Opalite is associated with spiritual communication and intuition. It's believed to enhance psychic abilities, promote emotional healing, and connect with higher realms.


Peridot is known for its vibrant and joyful energies. It's believed to enhance prosperity, promote emotional healing, and attract positive energy.

Phantom Quartz

Phantom Quartz is associated with spiritual growth and transformation. It's believed to enhance self-discovery, promote healing, and connect with higher dimensions.


Pietersite is known for its transformative and protective qualities. It's believed to enhance intuition, promote courage, and connect with the storm element.

Picture Jasper

Picture Jasper is associated with grounding and connection with nature. It's believed to enhance creativity, promote environmental awareness, and alleviate stress.

Pink Opal

Pink Opal is known for its gentle and nurturing energies. It's believed to enhance emotional healing, promote self-love, and attract peaceful energies.

Polychrome Jasper

Polychrome Jasper is associated with vibrant and joyful energies. It's believed to enhance emotional healing, promote relaxation, and connect with the Earth's energy.


Prehnite is known for its calming and protective properties. It's believed to enhance intuition, promote emotional healing, and connect with angelic realms.

Quantum Quattro Silica

Quantum Quattro Silica combines multiple minerals. It's believed to enhance spiritual growth, promote emotional healing, and support higher-dimensional communication.

Rainbow Moonstone

Rainbow Moonstone is associated with feminine energies and intuition. It's believed to enhance emotional healing, promote intuition, and connect with lunar cycles.

Red Aventurine

Red Aventurine is known for its vitality and courage-enhancing properties. It's believed to promote self-confidence, boost energy levels, and stimulate the Root chakra.

Red Jasper

Red Jasper is a grounding and nurturing stone. It's believed to enhance endurance, promote emotional healing, and stimulate the Root chakra.


Rhodochrosite is associated with self-love and emotional healing. It's believed to enhance compassion, promote self-awareness, and attract positive relationships.


Rhodonite is known for its balancing and nurturing energies. It's believed to promote emotional healing, enhance self-love, and attract harmonious relationships.

Rutilated Quartz

Rutilated Quartz is associated with transformation and spiritual growth. It's believed to enhance intuition, promote emotional healing, and provide clarity.


Ruby is known as a stone of passion and vitality. It's believed to enhance courage, promote love and commitment, and stimulate the Root chakra.


Sardonyx is associated with protection and strength. It's believed to enhance willpower, promote self-discipline, and attract positive energies.


Scolecite is known for its calming and soothing properties. It's believed to enhance spiritual growth, promote relaxation, and support communication with higher realms.


Selenite is associated with cleansing and spiritual connection. It's believed to enhance clarity, promote inner peace, and connect with higher dimensions.


Septarian is known for its grounding and nurturing properties. It's believed to enhance emotional healing, promote self-confidence, and connect with Earth's energy.


Shungite is associated with protection and purification. It's believed to absorb negative energies, promote balance, and enhance spiritual growth.


Sodalite is known for its calming and intellectual properties. It's believed to enhance intuition, promote rational thinking, and stimulate the Third Eye chakra.

Snowflake Obsidian

Snowflake Obsidian is a stone of purity and balance. It's believed to enhance self-awareness, promote emotional healing, and provide grounding and protection.

Star Ruby

Star Ruby is associated with vitality and passion. It's believed to enhance motivation, promote courage, and stimulate the Root chakra.


Sunstone is known for its joyful and energizing properties. It's believed to enhance creativity, promote optimism, and attract abundance.

Super Seven (Melody Stone)

Super Seven is a combination of multiple minerals. It's believed to enhance spiritual awareness, promote healing, and support personal transformation.


Thulite is associated with emotional healing and nurturing energies. It's believed to promote self-love, enhance creativity, and attract positive relationships.

Tiger Iron

Tiger Iron combines tiger's eye, hematite, and red jasper. It's believed to enhance physical vitality, promote courage, and provide grounding energy.

Tiger's Eye

Tiger's Eye is known for its protective and grounding qualities. It's believed to enhance courage, promote self-confidence, and attract prosperity.

Tree Agate

Tree Agate is associated with growth and stability. It's believed to enhance connection with nature, promote emotional healing, and support grounding energies.

Tumbled Stones Mix

Tumbled Stones Mix usually contains a variety of crystals. Each stone contributes its own unique energy to promote balance and well-being.


Turquoise is known for its healing and protective properties. It's believed to enhance communication, promote emotional healing, and attract positivity.


Unakite is associated with emotional healing and balance. It's believed to enhance patience, promote self-love, and attract harmonious relationships.


Variscite is known for its calming and soothing energies. It's believed to enhance emotional healing, promote self-expression, and encourage relaxation.

White Agate

White Agate is associated with purity and balance. It's believed to enhance emotional healing, promote clarity of thought, and provide protection.

Yellow Apatite

Yellow Apatite is known for its energizing and motivation-enhancing properties. It's believed to enhance creativity, promote self-confidence, and attract success.

Yellow Calcite

Yellow Calcite is associated with joyful and uplifting energies. It's believed to enhance self-confidence, promote positivity, and attract abundance.

Zebra Jasper

Zebra Jasper is known for its balancing and grounding properties. It's believed to enhance endurance, promote emotional healing, and provide stability.

Crystals For Each Zodiac Signs